> 文章列表 > 除夕拜年给红包吗英文




The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is celebrated from the first day to the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, with the highlight being the reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. During this time, families gather together to enjoy a feast, with dumplings being a traditional food consumed. Fireworks and firecrackers are also set off to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. The festival is filled with joy and jubilation as people exchange New Year greetings and admire lanterns.


New Year has arrived, and one of the most exciting traditions for children is receiving red envelopes. These red envelopes contain lucky money gifted by relatives and elders. The children can use this money to buy food, stationery, or anything else they desire. It is a way for adults to bless the children with a prosperous year ahead and bring happiness to their lives. The tradition of giving red envelopes adds to the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival and brings joy and excitement to the younger generation.


For those who are curious about the vocabulary related to the Chinese New Year, here are some commonly used English words:
- 春节 (The Spring Festival)
- 农历 (lunar calendar)
- 正月 (lunar January)
- 除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)
- 初一 (the beginning of New Year)
- 元宵节 (The Lantern Festival)


Here are some English words related to the customs of the Spring Festival:
- 过年 (Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival)
- 除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)
- 初一 (the beginning of New Year)
- 元宵节 (The Lantern Festival)
- 拜年 (pay a New Year visit)
- 祭灶 (worship the Kitchen God)


Let me share with you some English expressions related to the elements of the Spring Festival, hoping it will be helpful:
- 过年对联 (poetic couplet; two successive rhyming lines in poetry)
- 春联 (Spring Festival couplets)
- 拜年 (pay a New Year visit)
- 鞭炮 (firecrackers)
- 新年好 (Happy New Year)
- 年夜饭 (New Year\'s Eve dinner)


除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)

英汉互译:1.除夕2.直到午夜3.教师节4.儿童节5.have a family gathering during New Year

Here is the translation in English:
1. 除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)
2. 直到午夜 (till midnight)
3. 教师节 (Teachers\' Day)
4. 儿童节 (Children\'s Day)
5. 迎接新年的家庭聚会 (have a family gathering during New Year)

谁知道压岁钱英文怎么说(除了money given to children as a lunar New Year gift)?

The English translation for \"压岁钱\" is \"gift money\". Giving \"压岁钱\" is a traditional custom in China during the Lunar New Year. It signifies good luck and blessings for the children. However, there are certain traditions associated with giving \"压岁钱\". It is important to use new banknotes and some people even wait in long queues at banks to exchange their money. This emphasis on giving new money adds to the excitement and specialness of receiving \"压岁钱\".